Cafe, Restaurant1)

1)= With personal service by table

Brauhaus Alt Königshoven

seniorswith wheeled walker-rollator

GPS 51.0077384,6.5450812

Inter­na­tionale Küche

Gaststätte Bei Manni with wheeled walker-rollator GPS 51.0069994,6.4853307  

Restau­rant “Bella Vista” in Bed­burger Mühle

seniorswith wheeled walker-rollator

GPS 51.0093495,6.5569297

Deutsche Küche, Inter­na­tionale Küche, Mediterrane Küche

Restau­rant Land­haus Danielshof

seniorswith wheeled walker-rollator

GPS 51.0093495,6.5569297

Mediter­rane Küche, Regionale Küche

La Strada 3 bei Vito

seniorswith wheeled walker-rollator

GPS 51.006377,6.5384502

Ital­ienische Küche

Updated 2022-03-14
