Culture means everything th which was yieled by human. Its starts with writing a text, composing a piece of music, creating a picture or a sculpture or put up a building. The term culture can be concern to a group of people which attributed a special culture or which should be admit them.
There are a lot of museum in the world and in Germany. Beginning by the museum of local history to the museum of art or museums with exotic exhibits - for example mouses.
Museums located in a building which was created by a wellknown architect or have exhibits which initiates a pilgrimage for example the picture Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa" or the Museum of Joseph Beuys in the Moyland Castle.
Our aim is to show a multiplex offer. We give information about the possibilities of entry, their additional offers like audioguide etc. You will find here well-known and not so wellknown istitutions.

Here you find the listing of museums in
Cities with the beginning of the letter |
E |
I |
O |
Q |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
The letters written in green showin you that there will be one or more cities listend with this beginning letter.