Who stays behind this concept?

This portal will be run by KM Digital Marketing Verlag UG (haftungsbeschränkt), a young and independent company near Köln (Germany). This company is part of a small concern who works mainly with topics around older people and people with viewable or non-viewable healthy impairment. As our owner manager was born and lives near the area of Cologne, he decided this region for the registered office. 

Our experience?

Basement of this concept are experience from the private area of our owner manager who started his buisiness life in some directions of German insurance companies with wellknown reputation. Besides his time as employee he studied successfull economy at the Fachhochschule Köln.

He gave his parents care until they died and has so a personal experience. Out of this he made a specia experience caused of a fall from outside stairs in December 2020 during COVID-19. In this time doctors were not allowed to make visits in house or flat of the patient. In Januar 2021 our owner manager decided for a check-up in a hospital where he got the diagnose "hip fracture with heavy thrombose". After a therapie of the thrombose which persisted 3 days the doctors operated him. Caused of the thrombose the operation included some problems but the doctors could hold him back to life. Today the owner manager has sometimes problems with his mobility. 

Since January 2024 the owner sufferes at an arterial thrombose which he got during his working as volunteer for the European Championship in handball 2024 which took place in Cologne.

You see the concept is the result of personal experience and will be checked and corrected constantly. 


Updated: 2024-08-29

The sales district of Care-Travelling is nationalwide and international oriented. Our aim is to add the information of this sites so actual as possible. As we can not be everywhere at any time we need your assistance which can be handled as follows:

You have a company which is working in gastronomy or in the lodging industry with an own site

You can give us an indirect assistance. One form of it is to link sour site wirh our site by picture with our qr-code and the information "We assist Care-Travelling". You can get this picture by a donation. You decide the amount of your donation which you can handle with this paypal link.

Administrator of cultural company or organisation or from the gastronomy industry or lodge industry which are interesting in a coopertaion of common marketing or sale get our qr-code picture with the information "We are partner of Care-Travelling" which you can publish of your site and your advertisin media.

Can I make a link between our sites direct without agreement of Care-Travelling?

We are sorry but we do not allow this caused of this reason. Have you ever made the experience that a link did not work, leads to a wrong site or that you got a failed message? What have you done or will your client do when this experience happend? This makes a not so well picture about your company and your client will be avoid your site or your company. cancle your site - maybe for ever. We want to exclude messages mentionend above which can be arise caused by the change of the structure of our site. So we want to know with which site we are linked so that we can send a correct link to you.

For somebody else

Of yourse you can make a donation by money. You decide about the amount which you can order to the benefit of our "Paypal Account".

Out of this you can give us an activ assistment. So you can for example inform us about changes in culturel institutions or companies of gastronomy industry or lodges industry. You can do this by E-mail to the accoount mentionend in our impress site or by using a formular which you will we publish at the respective site. 

On some sites we give the user the possibilty to appreciate for example the restaurant. You want mor information about this topic? Please do not hesistate to contact us. You will find our contact information at the head of every site or in our imprint 

You have more quetions?

Please do not hesistate to contact us. You will find our contact information at the head of every site or in our imprint 


Updated: 2024-08-29

Welcome to our site!


Our good health will be change not only as we get older. The pandemia COVID-19 has shown us that every one can get disabled - equal of his age or ethnic background. COVID-19 has shown us also that a health detriment have not be viewable. With this background we collect and list the information of culture and tourism under the aspect of viewable and non-viewable health detriment.

The listing includes well-known signets so that everybody gets first impression of the facility. So everybody who is interesting in culture or tourism can use our offer - also people who have no health detriment.  

Every site was proofed under the view of using without barrierers in front of setting online. So our site is one of the first homepage from Germany with the topics culture and tourism which fulfill the "Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz" which has to be use for internetservices,too. Please activate the function reading out aloud of your browser if you want to get read out our sites.

The information which are presented here are based by ascertainment and journalistic investigation. Our aim is to present actual information. So in some parts - for example gastronomy - we are delighted getting your assistance. You will find more information about this under the current topic. 

We try also to suggest you to reduce the use of energy at your phone or notebook. Therefore we do not use so much pictures or videos here. You will find these at our instagram account.   

For linking we use different colours. Links written in the colour red leads you to an offer outside of our server. In the green colour you will lead to an offer which is placed at our own server.

We are open for your questions and your suggestions. You will find the information of contact at the imprint and at the head of every site.

Aktualisiert: 08/09/2022: